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Justice at Dawn, Valerie Massey Goree

 Justice at Dawn (Stolen Lives) (English Edition) di [Valerie Massey Goree]

Justice at Dawn, by Valerie Massey Goree, is one of those stories that you don't easily forget. I don't want to tell you too much about the plot because I genuinely think that this book should be appreciated without knowing much about it. This intriguing story follows Kitty Claire Briggs, or KC, a full of energy and determinate woman that wants to become an agent. Her path will cross Cooper Callahan's and a marvelously mysterious story is going to arise. I really loved this book because it really embraces a wide variety of themes and genres. We can find a strong romantic part paired with a mysterious one and a more action focused one. The language used is amazing and totally coherent with the context. The narrative style is marvelous and I really liked the way in which the author decided to narrate the different events. I appreciated the characters, written in a very precise and intelligent way, with a big focus on introspection and feelings. The description of the setting is realistic and enjoyable. I really enjoyed this book and I would suggest it to everyone who wants to live an amazing adventure and escape the world for a bit!



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